Are Student Visas Necessary for Ireland ?
If you hold a passport from the EU/EEA you will not need a visa to study in Ireland.
Students from certain countries such as Brazil, Mexico, South Korea, Japan and Taiwan do not need a visa to enter Ireland. However if they plan on staying in Ireland for more than 90 days they must register with the INIS office (Immigration) in Dublin after arrival. Staff at Horner School will assist and will provide all the necessary documents for the registration process at the INIS Office.
A full list of the Visa requiring countries is available on the Irish Department of Foreign Affairs website (Visa section).
A full list of Irish Embassies and Consulates abroad can be found at the Irish Department of Foreign Affairs website (Embassies section).
If you are applying for a Student Visa you will need a letter from Horner School to show that you are registered and that you have paid the course fees. Please ensure that you start the visa application process as early as possible as it can sometimes take a number of weeks to get a visa decision from your local Irish Embassy. Of course, if your visa decision is delayed, we can defer the start date of your course to a later date but you do need to keep in regular communication with the Horner Office to keep us updated about your arrival arrangements.
Should I Register with the local immigration office after arrival in Ireland ?
Students from outside the European Economic Area, and who are staying in Ireland longer than 90 days, must register with The Immigration Service Delivery Office. We have written a handy guide for How to Register with Immigration, which you can find HERE
Can I work in Ireland ?
Yes, if you are from Europe you are allowed to take up full-time or part-time employment in Ireland.
If you are not a European passport holder and you would like to work while studying, you must register for one of our 25 week ILEP courses (This will give you the right to work part-time during your study). If you require further information about these special 25 week Government Approved ILEP courses please contact us.
Working regulations for non EU students
Students attending our 25 week ILEP courses must register with the local immigration office (INIS). They are then allowed to take up employment, up to 20 hours part-time work per week. There are for two periods when it is permitted to work full-time (i.e. up to 40 hours per week). The full-time periods are June 1 to September 30 and December 15 to January 15 . These dates are fixed for all non-EEA students. The right to work lapses automatically after 35 weeks, on completion of the 25 week ILEP course and a 10 week holiday period. We have written a handy guide for How to Register with Immigration, which you can find HERE
Finding a job
You can search for a job on Websites such as and . Networking with your friends here at school can also be a good way to find out what jobs are available. Many shops and restaurants will put jobs notices in their windows.
We have regular FREE workshops here at the school to help students prepare their C.V.and to prepare the English required for a job interview. Please check our Social Programme noticeboard or ask at the Horner School Student Services office to find out when the next workshop will be planned.
Pay & Tax (How to apply for a PPS Tax Number):
There is a basic rate of pay which everyone is entitled to receive (minimum wage). It is currently €12.70 per hour. If you are starting work for the first time in Ireland you will need a tax number (PPS Number) to register with the Revenue Commissioners. To obtain a PPS number you must apply to the Intreo office on Parnell Street, Dublin 1. You should apply for a PPS number only after you have an offer to take up employment. Find the job first, then apply for the Tax number !
Click here for more information on the PPS Number application process.
How to open a bank account in Ireland:
You can open a bank account if you are registered with Horner School for 25 weeks or more. We have an arrangement with our local bank to open a bank accounts for students registered on these long term courses. Once you have arrived in Ireland and commenced your classes you can request a Bank Introduction Letter from our E Reception system HERE