In the in the event of fire, fire drill or emergency evacuation:

Teaching staff:

In the event of a fire alarm or suspicion of a fire all teachers should raise the alarm and oversee the evacuation of the building to the appointed meeting point. Do not attempt to fight the fire unless you believe that it is safe to do so.

Meeting Points: 

Building 40 Fitzwilliam St. Upper –  Meeting Point 36 Fitzwilliam Street Upper

Building 10 Fitzwilliam St. Upper – Meeting Point 7 Fitzwilliam Street Upper

• Remind students that personal belongings should be left behind. Remind students that they should not run.

• Teachers are responsible for ensuring that all students in their class have left the building and that all students understand where to assemble to await further instruction.

• Teachers must bring their class attendance registers to the assembly point. At the assembly point they should check if everyone has been evacuated according to the attendance register. Teachers then report to the Director of Studies to notify if all students are present and properly accounted for.

• Teachers should supervise their students (class) and remain at the assembly point until they are given an all clear instruction by (David Horner/Janice Horner).

Student policy in the in the event of fire, fire drill or emergency evacuation:

What to do if you discover a fire:

• Notify your teacher or nearby reception staff. Tell others to evacuate the building. Activate the fire alarm.

• Evacuate the building to the designated meeting point. Do not attempt to fight the fire unless you believe that it is safe to do so. Do not run.

• At the assembly point find your teacher and group together the other students from your class. Await further instruction from your teacher.

• Do not return to the building to collect personal belongings.

• Remain at the assembly point until you are given an all clear instruction by the Fire Officer.

First Aid Stations

There are two first aid stations:

1. Student Services Office, 40 Fitzwilliam Street Upper, D2.
2. Ground Floor Office, 10 Fitzwilliam Street Upper.